Religiöse Gemeinschaften und nachhaltige Entwicklung


Reports from the Participants


Phenyo Montsho



Charel du Toit



Phenyo Montsho greets everyone from the rooftop of the University of Pretoria, South Africa.


  Charel du Toit responds to the lecture on Research Methods and Autoethnography, titled: The Research Rap.



Ninnaku Oberholzer


ninnaku response 2


Anas Ghonaim


Linking the lecture on “Religion and Peace” to the lecture on “Autoethnography as a research methodology” Professor Ekkardt Sonntag started the session with his exposure to the concept of war at a young age.

Quoting Professor Sonntag, “I was praying for peace in Lebanon since I was 5”.

This quote resonated with me the most, since Lebanon is struggling with sectarian tension for years on end now.



Ninnaku made a very passionate graphic in response to a lecture from Tanya van Wyk on Gender and Justice



More of this:

Report on lecture: Religion and Peace



Report on Religion and Development – A Church and Education by Max Reichenheim



Report on Rethinking our Thoughts on Religion and Development by Allistair Brown

An Encounter with Pastor Don Makumbani   A Lecture by Dr. Teddy Sakupapa



Appreciation Report by Beatrice Lukalo


Summer School Report by Catherine Ganira

Appreciation Report on the Summer School by Beatrice Vugutso Lukalo   Summer School Report by Catherine Ganira



Robekkah Ritchie: Lived religion as a hermeneutical lense by Phenyo Montsho



Robekkah Ritchie: Lived religion as a hermeneutical lense