Interdisziplinäres Zentrum Humboldt-ProMINT-Kolleg

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Interdisziplinäres Zentrum Humboldt-ProMINT-Kolleg | News | David Perl-Nussbaum (Weizmann Institute of Science): Capturing interdisciplinary dialogic argumentation among science teachers: an analysis of epistemic practices in a dialogue

David Perl-Nussbaum (Weizmann Institute of Science): Capturing interdisciplinary dialogic argumentation among science teachers: an analysis of epistemic practices in a dialogue

Der Vortrag von Herrn Perl-Nussbaum findet am 22.05.2024 ab 15:00 statt. Mr. Perl-Nussbaum will give his talk on May 22 2024, starting at 15:00.

Research in the fields of learning sciences and science education has recognized dialogic argumentation as a key approach to enhance student learning. Productive features of such dialogues include openness and critical examination of alternative perspectives as well as collaborative knowledge construction. Such deliberation is difficult to achieve within the compartmentalized structure of traditional science teaching, though. The promotion of distinct epistemic practices in each school-discipline hinders the exploration of different perspectives on a scientific problem. We suggest interdisciplinarity as a means to foster deliberativity in the discourse of science teachers and students and describe design guidelines for professional development activities aimed at engaging physics teachers from different disciplinary backgrounds (in-field and out-of- field teachers) in interdisciplinary dialogic argumentation. We introduce a quantitative coding tool to examine both the dialogic and epistemic aspects of teacher discourse and use illustrative case studies to show how deliberation manifests in the integration of different disciplinary epistemic practices. This study carries implications for the professional development of science teachers, specifically advocating for reframing out-of-field teachers' disciplinary practices as a productive resource rather than an obstacle.
Informationen und Zugangsdaten:

Start: 15:00 Uhr
Dauer: ca. 1 Stunde


Meeting-ID: 679 0627 4833